Friday, April 24, 2020


He had always been a mediocre child. Allan Burns, the youngest of the lot. His parents were doctors and taught medicine in A class university. His three elder brothers were achievers. Andrew the oldest was an athlete and played competitive hockey. Arthur had taken after his parents and was studying to get into the top medical school there was. Adam was an A grader and wanted to be a space scientist. But Allan was a mediocre. He had no ambitions, was an average student, played poor baseball, and lived a mediocre life. He was happy. 

As time went by and his siblings left one after the other to pursue their dreams, Allan stayed. Someone needed to look after his aging parents he would reason. It made sense because renting elsewhere was expensive. When the time came Allan took up a job because that was what everyone did. It was a mediocre job and paid decent. It was enough to pay his bills and save some. Allan loved his life. He neither felt the urge to achieve something extra ordinary nor felt the pressure because his siblings were going places. He called it contentment.

Soon his hormones raged, and Allan felt the need to have a partner to share his life with. A charming boy like him deserved a nice girl. A girl who could live a mediocre life with ease. It was odd to find someone though. Girls looked for go-getters and Allan was not chasing anything. He was happy.  But love is a funny thing. It certainly is.

Allan met Rhonda at a bar. She fell for his charm and he fell for her confidence. It was instant. They were spotted together often, and Allan loved her company. She made him laugh and he was always happy around her. Rhonda was pretty, intelligent, had a great career, and she loved with passion. But she was different too. Rhonda was a go-getter and she wanted Allan to make something of his life too.

Allan was motivated to dream big, to have an ambition. Taking Rhonda’s advice, Allan signed up for a certificate course in computers. He decided to take a break from his job and focus on his schoolwork. Software industry was growing, and a certificate would have given him that perfect start to a thriving career. He worked hard each day. Mornings became nights and fall turned into winter. Three months had passed. Rhonda was by Allan’s side supporting him. His family cheered for him. But something was strange.

Allan was not happy. Project work, coding, grades did not make him happy. He was suffocated. Trapped in a maze. He missed his old life. He missed his routine. He dropped out of the course and went back to his old job for an even lesser pay. He broke up with Rhonda because she did not make him happy anymore. His old ways made him happy and Rhonda did not fit in the puzzle anyway.

Breaking up did not hurt him and he moved on with ease. He met Madge his new co-worker. She seemed to love the mediocre job that he loved so much. She enjoyed the routine as much as he did. She had never been an achiever much herself. She was content as was he. She liked Allan and fell for his charm. They married. She fit the puzzle, perfectly.

Allan knew he did not love her, but he loved mediocrity.

PC - Rakesh Rana

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Saree Challenge

Few weeks ago, I woke up to a few tags on Facebook inviting me to accept a challenge for a saree post. The challenge was to post one photo of myself dressed in a saree and tag other women and challenge them to do the same. I was reluctant. I have not participated in FB challenges ever. But I decided to accept it anyway because I was tagged by two wonderful women I absolutely admire. I followed the instructions and soon my FB page was filled with beautiful women draped in the most beautiful sarees I had ever seen. Happiness - that is what I felt.  

For once my news feed was not filled with hate posts. It was not filled with xenophobic, racist, and intolerant posts and comments. I was not waking up to see fake news from people shooting them from the comfort of their homes. I was evading fanatics who believed that the other was bringing the country down. And for once I was relieved to not see Facebook politicians shooting suggestions to the government without thought and logic. Instead all I saw was women draped in traditional, chic, modern, and / or ethnic sarees. Some like me dug up old pictures from their wedding albums and posted them. It was a relief.  

But with everything positive there are bound to be critics. Soon there were memes (some were hilarious though) showing how Indian women were more concerned about their sarees. There were sarcastic posts mocking women who participated in it. And some took it to another level by trolling women. Like several others I was trolled too. I laughed at these memes, and the people who threw it out there. That is the most they deserve. I wondered to myself where do these people hide when hate is spooned out on FB? I have never seen them shutting down racists or homophobics. They crawl back to their caves then (I am guessing). 

I also had friends who chose to not participate and politely asked me untag their names. I immediately did. To participate or not is a personal choice and we are absolutely free to choose. As long as the world does not judge / harm the other we can all chose to do or not do things that suit/don't suit us. But to be cruel and mock someone is unfair and needs to be called out. 

The saree challenge was meant to divert our attention from all the negativity that surrounded us with the current climate. The war that is being fought out there. It was meant to make us smile. It was meant to bring our attention to the little joys of life while keeping our spirits high. And that it did. The fact that trolls and critics took notice of the challenge meant that it was a success. It made anger and hate filled individuals take cognizance that sarees had taken over Facebook and that they had little to no space for their hateful and divisive living room politics. 

Each post shut down avenues for negativity. It made FB a pleasant place instead. And it opened doors for more such happy challenges throwing hatemongers completely out of business. The pictures I saw had stories to them. Some filled with love and some with warm memories of loved ones. 

To everyone out there who participated and has been participating in any of those fun challenges - more power to you. Thank you for making this virtual world a happy place. This virtual world is what is keeping us sane in such desperate times. And if this is filled with negative posts and comments it makes a desperate situation much worse. Don't let trolls shame you. For each troll bring up a new happy challenge. Spread the cheer and be merry.

In case you are curious about the saree challenge, it painted the town red, purple, yellow, and in all colors of joy and hope. 

I had to dig out a decade old picture for the challenge. This is from a wedding ritual in 2008. 

Review - Panchayat Season 1 (Web Series)

As the world is locked down, many of us are privileged enough to have some time for ourselves, finally. Like millions of others my husband and I are surviving by pursuing our hobbies and doing things we otherwise found little time to do. It is during this time that I was recommended to watch a new web series by TVF (The Viral Fever) team called – Panchayat. It is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video and available to watch. I have been an ardent fan of good content and TVF has never disappointed me. My husband and I completed the series in one go and are charmed by this novel content, brilliant acting, and the simplicity of the set up. Hence, I decided that a series as wonderful deserves a review.

Cast: Neena Gupta, Raghuvir Yadav, Jitendra Kumar, Chandan Roy, and Faisal Malik.
Directed By: Deepak Kumar Mishra
Screenplay – Chandan Kumar
Verdict: 4.5 stars

Review: The plot opens with Abhishek Tripathi (Jitendra Kumar) whining about not being able to grab a well-paying job like his friend in a city. Instead he has a job as a Panchayat secretary in a remote village of Uttar Pradesh with a humble salary of INR 20,000. Suggested by his friend to take it up as a Swades challennge, Abhishek Tripathi pulls up his socks and starts on his adventure. What follows is a series of rib-tickling thought-provoking encounters that change Abhishek Tripathi in more ways than one. It lets him taste both success and failures with equal sweetness. 

Each episode picks up a theme and does it a great deal of justice. The backdrop is a typical village of India including greener fields, paint peeled government offices, muddy roads, small shanty shops, a hand pump, and palm greasing attitude.  The plot is neither preachy nor does it try hard to impress. The characters grow organically and cleverly convey the message. Several issues are highlighted albeit subtly and wittingly.

Several scenes are brilliantly crafted with an exceptional work of screenplay. Like the scene where the tantrum throwing, wrapped in dowry groom is shut down by Abhishek when the latter calls the former an asshole. Eventually Abhishek apologizes and loses a part of his self-respect. The scene where the Pradhan Pati considers the secretary a good match for his daughter because both belong to the same caste. The scene where the Pradhan (Neena Gupta) does not participate in any administrative responsibility due her lack of interest and education both. She later tries to learn things and starts by learning the national anthem of India. Hilariously a villager with 2 elder daughters and one young son is offended because the government’s slogan for 2 children calls any extra child “bawaseer” – Piles.

There is so much more that Panchayat offers. It offers an outstanding ensemble of actors, quirky dialogues that linger for long, lighthearted humor, and a story so new. Panchayat takes you to your own village through the bhootiya (possessed) pedh (tree), electricity that comes and goes at will, politics over implementation of government policies, and pethas served with a glass of water. It does this with ease. It offers hope, inspiration, and a warmth. Every actor has done justice to their character whether it be Raguvir Yadav as Pardhan Pati or the lead Jitendra Kumar himself as a frustrated urban boy stuck in a rural setting. Neena gupta is great as always but I wish she had more screen time. Two characters that stand out amidst these big names are Chandan Roy as Vikas – helper to the secretary and Faisal Malik as Prahlad – the Deputy Pradhan.  

All in all, Panchayat is a fresh breath of air that has opened new avenues for the makers and their audience alike. It is a must watch.

The trailer is shared below. Link courtesy – Youtube.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

(Not) Just Another Saturday!

In a parallel world it is a Saturday. “S” is here for her weekly cleaning while husband and I are busy arguing over who will make breakfast today. “S” smiles and tells us her other job is going well. We talk about her grandson with round cheeks and how he loves dancing. Husband and I resume our argument. “S” picks up her vacuum cleaner and starts cleaning. The usual Saturday.

In this world, none of that happened. “S” won’t see us for the next few weeks because social distancing and all that. Husband and I did not argue instead we decided to go grocery shopping early morning to ditch other potential customers who might arrive later in the day. I was nervous. There was eerie silence on our street. It was not because it was too early in the morning, it has been like that for the past few days. We don’t pet our neighbors’ pets anymore. They might not like it. Instead we do the usual hello from a distance and go about out business. Today was no different.

I have been mentally exhausted and heartbroken with the current situation. There has been such sadness and anger with this situation. So much has been lost. So much is at stake. This tunnel seems too long to end and shows no signs of some light at the end of it. It does not help being away from family either. Although, our friends here have become our family here. I get to call my closest friends’ children my nephew and niece (and they are precious). But with this situation I don’t get to see my friends or extended family. That is not the issue either. Because I know it is for the greater good of everyone, of the country, of mankind. When this ends everything will be back to normal. Perhaps, it is the stress that has been surrounding everyone. High risk parents, financial insecurity, career uncertainty, and no answer to when all of this might potentially end. There is anger, anxiety, and a host of other not so pleasant emotions that I feel so often these days. Crazy! Crazy! Crazy!

My mother says find happiness wherever you are. And when the situation is out of your control, take one step at a time. Do what you can and look at the brighter side. Cliched mom talk. But it helps. It does. Thanks to technology, I get to see my parents regularly. I get to play charades with my niece on facetime. Our nephew and niece here send us funny streaks on snapchat (adorable and cute). I am in touch with friends and extended family on whatsapp, FB, and emails. The weather is getting better and we wake up to birds chirping in our porch. The grass is turning green and greener. Spring is here. We still get to go out for quick walks (while socially distancing from others). Husband has started cooking (this is a big one). Chai times are a leisure with husband. Husband and I are working from home together. I have plenty of time to read my favorite books. My loved ones are healthy. I am healthy and alive. And so much more. 

It does take effort to remind myself of the many blessings I have been showered with. But I am grateful for each one of them. I am grateful for friends and family that have reached out to us to ask if we are doing fine. I am grateful for the I love you’s and I miss you’s I have said and heard in the past few days. I am grateful for the love I have felt these past few weeks. And I am grateful that I have so much. So, I will take each day at a time. For today I am impatient and nervous, but I am also filled with gratitude for every blessing and for the little joys of life.

Beautiful spring day in the North Pole

In a parallel world, its late night on a lazy Saturday. I am happy because tomorrow Mr. Husband will drive me to our favorite neighborhood cafĂ© for a delicious breakfast. I will get to hug “R and K’s” dog. We will promise each other to catch up over a cup of coffee. The neighborhood cat will be out for a walk. The sky will be clear, and I will play – “Take me home” by John Denver in my head in a loop. Almost heaven…!!

One of those happy moments - Husband and I

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Happy Birthday - from the future!

My first post of 2020 is dedicated to my awesome husband. One of the things he wanted as his birthday gift from me was that I get back to writing. I gladly obliged. 

This letter is to the 27 year old "R" I first met and fell in love with! 

Dear R,

As I write this letter to you on your 27th birthday, know that this year your life is going to change,
and it's going to change for good. I am here with some great news for you and some not so good. But I promise, I am here to give you hope. Hope of a bright and happy future. 

This year you will move back to your city, closer to your parents. And you will have a
wonderful job too. There is so much you will learn at this new job and there are going to be challenges. But don't give up, you will sail through. 

Please continue your love for fitness. Do not give it up. You may not realize it now but you will
reap the benefits in the future when you will get busy chasing your dream for programming. It
is this love for fitness that will help you deal with the stress that is to come. Keep that self love going, you will need it soon. 

Your beloved friend "J" will become your Godmother and she will be your biggest
cheerleader and support. Stay in touch with her, respond to that email, and make that phone
call. Tell her how much she means to you. Tell her now. 

As far as catching up is concerned, don't worry about not being able to catch up to the world right now. Not everyone can be as awesome an introvert as you are. Don't let people's opinion of you rob you of your dreams. Be the wonderful boy you are! The one's judging you now, wont even matter in the future. Instead focus on your dreams and chase them, one dream at a time. Take that test, write that code. One day you will make it big and how! 

You will make some wonderful friends around the globe in the future. These friends (some little and some tall) will fill your heart with the joy of their friendship. Learn to let go of what doesn't serve you. This lesson in letting go will help you grow. 

Learn to make Tea, it will come handy in the future. If possible, please learn the difference between cumin and fennel seeds. They DO NOT complement each other. 

Lastly, that girl from Bombay you just met, is the one for you. When the time comes, tell her how you feel for her. She will say yes, I promise. But please do not crack that awful HR joke to her. You will instantly regret it. Work on your listening skills too, she can talk a lot. :)

Keep smiling and keep up with that weird sense of humor. You might not know, but you do have some fan following there. 

For your birthday today and every birthday in the future, I wish you nothing but love, joy, and good health. 

your future wife - Khushi

P.S. Go get that salon appointment for your hair, this will be a regular in the future. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

About Last Night - Christmas 2019

Last night was about little bits of happiness,
and large pieces of joy. 

Last night was about mushrooms, and samosas,
and truffles, and macaroons.

Last night was about old traditions,
and learning some new ones.

Last night was about loud laughs,
and some silly jokes.

Last night was about little people,
and them growing up so fast.

Last night was about wonderful thoughts,
and brilliant creative ideas.

Last night was about playing board games,
and about giggling over it.

Last night was about healing,
and reaffirming faith in good health.

Last night was about friends,
and friends who have become family.

Last night was about loved ones far,
and loved ones in our hearts.

Last night was about letters from across the globe,
and loved wrapped in several envelopes.

Last night was about effort and courage,
and about applause for it all. 

Last night was about journals,
and some scribbled notes. 

Last night was about Santa Claus,
and Rudolph with his shiny nose.

Last night was about songs and guitars,
and little budding artists.

Last night was about revisiting memories,
and making new ones.

Last night was about several stories,
and the heart strings they tugged.

Last night was about smiling faces,
and long warm hugs.

Last night was about meeting family,
and making room for friends.

Last night was about the tall Christmas tree,
and everyone who had gathered around it.

Last night was about gratitude,
and thanking life for its blessings.

Last night was about full stomachs,
and fuller hearts.

Photo Credit - Mr. Husband

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Recipe of Joy

Recipe of Joy

Nostalgia is an emotion that can wrap around you anytime, anywhere. Couple it with homesickness and you have a perfect recipe for a blog on a snowy winter day. That’s how R and I have for the past few weeks. December tested our patience and hope both. R’s dad’s health wasn’t doing the best and we were biting our nails here on the other side of the globe, hoping he recovers soon. But they say Christmas is a magical time of the year and how! My dad in law started recovering soon after Christmas and ever since has been fit and fine. Thank goodness! All’s well that ends well. Anyway, that story for some other day.

Let’s get back to “Nostalgia”. Ever since we heard of my dad in laws’ illness both of us have been homesick. Now that he is hale and hearty, we are relieved. One thing leads to the other and homesickness led to home, family, and our favorite childhood food. And when one talks of childhood, matters do get out of hand (in a good way). Childhood takes you back to sibling fights, school, friends, lanes that recognize you, people who love you, and food that you love.

Lunch boxes - something every Indian mother is obsessed with. If you have grown up in India in the 90’s you will identify with this. I did not grow up with pizzas and burgers, neither did R. In fact, it only became popular in the last decade or so. Before the advent of cheese pizzas and fries, parathas ruled many kitchens in India along with their counterparts like dosas and idlis and the likes of it. My mother’s simple recipe of “meetha paratha” did the trick for me every time (Indian sweet bread stuffed with either sugar or jaggery). Childhood was easy. Bad grades, meetha paratha. Sibling torture, meetha paratha. Maths homework – meetha paratha. On days when my lunch box had meetha paratha, I felt hungry much before the recess bell rang. R and I got talking about it and we discovered that his childhood revolved around meethi roti (another name for the same paratha that I devoured while growing up). As if that was his answer to life’s problems back then. Hilarious, I thought to myself. We are so alike.

This time around too we decided to cope with homesickness with meetha paratha/meethi roti (or whatever name you would like to call it). Nostalgia took over my house with every bite of it. We laughed at things that once seemed so important. We talked about the pranks we played, the trees we climbed, the friends we made, and the subjects we loved or hated with equal passion. The innocent yet embarrassing questions we threw at our elders. We laughed harder on their (our elders) coping mechanisms to situations when they had no answer to our silly questions. Giggles!  

During one of my calls to my mother I told her how her recipe saved us. She laughed and said it was the easiest thing she could do to make me happy. "Sigh! I knew my sweet tooth has always been my weakness," I joked.

As the day ended and the sweetness of our childhood lingered on our tongue, we wondered how this recipe of joy was lost and forgotten. "It indeed is a recipe of bliss and deserves a special place in the family recipe book for future generations," I winked. R acknowledged it with a grin as we glided in to slumber. Funny, after so many years this unusual recipe was once again our way to trick life’s uncanny snags. Nostalgia is not a bad thing after all.

Photo Credit - Mr. Husband