Friday, June 22, 2012

A Beautiful Answer - Thank you Mr.God!!

“You are surrounded by so many awesome people” said an FB comment by a dear friend below the post. “I am”, I thought to myself. I was so touched by everything around me. I immediately looked above to thank the one who has been so generous to me.

Last week my mind was rambling with a thought, a not so positive one. A painful memory caused by few people resurfaced. And as it is with every memory it refused to vacate my mind for some time. I was lost between questions of why and what? I felt like choked between pain and disappointment. I never did anything wrong to them, then why was it that I was ill treated? May be they didn't like me then why weren’t they honest about it? Why did they have to stab me on my back so hard? And the final question was posed to God himself, “why is it so difficult for people to love and care”? The answer was never clear in the past and it wasn’t clear now either. That frustrated me further. But the trust that God will answer my question did make a part of my heart peaceful.

All this bothered me for a day. I wasted 24 hours of my precious life on such negative emotions. And while I was trying to pull myself up and out of this crater, there was something so beautiful that God and a very lovable person was planning for me.

I was working on something and beep came an sms from Giri (you can read about Giri in my post “MAD ME”). The message mentioned that Giri had updated her blog with a new post. I am absolutely in love with Giri and her works. Be it quilling or cooking, writing or stitching, I am a complete fan. So I logged in immediately to read her new brain child. I felt so upset when I realized that I couldn't see her new post at all. I informed Giri and her reply was a “:( ”.

Later, I logged in again just to see if the new post was visible now. And to my surprise the post was about Giri’s very close friend. It was about someone who is very close to her heart. Tears rolled down my cheeks. The post was about her mad friend, “Khushi”. I read through it and realized that a friend of mine has so much of love for me. I was so touched by her gesture that I couldn’t speak some time (it is very rare that a chatting machine like me feels speechless). I just messaged her letting her know that her post came like an answer to a question that had been bothering me for a long time now.

The answer was simple. It is very easy to love and care. There is something more that I have learnt from this episode. We always cry over things that we don’t have. But we fail to appreciate and thank for all the wonderful gifts that are bestowed upon us. I was raving because some people broke my trust and treated me wrong. However I failed to look around. There were so so many wonderful people who have been filling my life with their abundant unconditional love and care. They have always been in my thick and thin. They have been reasons for the joy in my life. Probably these beautiful people are the reason why the world still has faith in love and goodness.

I looked up and thanked HIM for all that he has given me. He has blessed me with such loving parents, a very affectionate and caring husband, crazy yet lovable siblings, my extended family and some dear friends and well wishers who have been my family while I am away from home. I must have done something really good in my past lives, because I haven’t done anything now to deserve all this.

The link to Giri’s article is here. You can read it too. I am completely humbled by her words.

P.S.: I am so glad Giri and I are MAD. Only two mad people can have seamless love for each other in the world of today.